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The 120 foot woman returns.




-- Edited by Giantess-Servent on Saturday 9th of April 2022 08:51:29 PM

-- Edited by Giantess-Servent on Sunday 23rd of February 2025 08:17:10 PM

-- Edited by Giantess-Servent on Sunday 23rd of February 2025 08:22:16 PM

-- Edited by Giantess-Servent on Sunday 23rd of February 2025 09:00:43 PM

-- Edited by Giantess-Servent on Monday 24th of February 2025 12:57:54 AM


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-- Edited by Giantess-Servent on Saturday 9th of April 2022 08:52:38 PM


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-- Edited by Giantess-Servent on Saturday 9th of April 2022 08:53:08 PM


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-- Edited by Giantess-Servent on Sunday 16th of July 2023 05:16:44 PM


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   Chapter 8.   Arrival at Park Creek


   Then Selena said, "I sure hope Moris Moris like his present."  To which I replied,  "That thunderous fart sure made his day, he is probably full of joy and he must be so happy ha ha ha ha ha."  Selena laughed too. She then said, "He is probably trying his best at hitting the walls of my cheeks, but my bum cheeks will hold him there.  He is really squirming down there and I'm betting he is punching and hitting the walls of my bum cheeks cause I can kinda feel him down there squirming around."   I then said, "If you can feel him a bit it means he is really squirming around in there, he must be shouting and screaming at being between your bum cheeks.  Can you feel him hitting and punching or at squirming."  To which Selena replied, "I feel him squirming its very light but I can feel it faintly through my spandex. he must be so pissed off to be there between my bum cheeks.  I need to calm him down." 

   Selena while walking she let anouther fart rip it lasted a good 2 seconds.  She then let one more rip it was like a rolling clash of thunder and it lasted a good 3 seconds, and she continued her walk.  When Selena let one rip Morris Morris went into a rage but Selena's thunderous fart totally silence him, he then past out.  Selena then said, "Well I sure hope that calmed him down, he must be sleeping now cause I can't feel that creep squirming in there ha ha ha ha ha."  Selena continued her walk to Port Meadows.  Selena then neared the main highway that lead to Port Meadows and she decided to walk along the side of it a good 40 feet of the right side.  As she was walking along the side of the highway a police car pulled up along side of her and there were two lady police officers in the car.  They were diving following Selena and then the lady officer driving said, "Oh my gosh she is huge and did the Mayor of Wellington say Moris Moris is between her bum cheeks?"  The partner said, "Yes thats what he said."  Then both police officers looked up at Selena up her thighs and up to her bum.  They looked at her thighs and bum cheeks and watched as her bum cheeks just jiggled with each step Selena took.  The officer in the passenger seat shouted, "Oh my gosh just look at that bum and Moris Moris is between them cheeks. He must be so pissed off considering her does not like women. I wouldn't blame Selena if she decided to torment that know rapist pedo."  To which her partner said, "I sure hope she let one rip on him."  Then both police officers just laughed. 

  As Selena neared Port Meadows the buildings came into view and once she entered the city limits she slowed down her walk and she entered Port Meadows and she continued her walk to the southside where the police station was located at.  Within 5 minutes she reached the police station and stood there.  A police officer a sergeant came out and identified himself and asked for the prisoner.  Just then the two lady officer pulled up both laughing at where Moris Moris was.  Then anouther police officer came out and he talked for a minute to the Sergeant.  Selena asked what going on to which the Sergeant said, "Its Moris Moris's older brother Jason Jason Moris he is in the next city of Park Creek and he is holding at least 15 people hostage.  They are in the Yates theater building on the 6th floor.  He is demanding that his brother be released or he will kill the hostages. He is also demanding that we give his brother Moris Moris at least 4 young girls to do with how he wants. We will get this guy.  The police force of Park Creek will catch and get him, now hand over the criminal."  Selena shook her head and said, "No, he stays where he is between my bum cheeks.  I'm getting sick and tired of these stupid criminals and the justice system.  I will deal with this myself, I will go to Park Creek and get this Jason Jason Moris myself.  I'm taking matter into my own hands."   Selena then took a turn and she began to head across the city.

  I said to her, "Selena why don't you just hand this criminal over to the police."  To which she responded, "If I do he will just sit in jail and a lawyer will come to defend him and if he gets a good lawyer he will be free to hurt. I will deal with them both, now I'm going to run to Park Creek so I will put you between my breasts."  Selena reached over and she grabbed me and she put me down between her breasts.  I slid down between her massive mounds, I them moved up and looked around.  As Selena was walking her breasts jiggled and I remembered when she ran how they really jiggled.  Park Creek was a good 32 miles away.  Selena left the city limits of Port Meadows and as she left she picked up her walking speed.  She then started to run and as she did I slid down between her massive mounds.  As Selena ran her breasts and thighs and bum cheeks just jiggled and I was very happy there between Selena's massive mounds.  Moris Moris was awake and he was feeling the jiggle of Selena's bum cheeks and her booty bounce.   He went into a rage and he began to scream and shout and he was punching and hitting the inside of Selena's bum cheeks.  But Selena's skin tight yellow spandex was too strong for him to reall effect Selena.  Selena continued her run to Park Creek.




    Selena continued her run to Park Creek and I was enjoying it there between her breasts, as she was running her breasts just jiggled. I moved deep down between her breasts and I got excited down in there.  Selena was a sight to behold as she was running across the country side, now being 120 feet tall she was easily seen for miles around.

   Meanwhile in Park Creek Jason Jason was waling around yelling at the hostages.  He was mad and he was waving around a AK 47 machine gun.  Then his cell ran and he answered it.  The call came from a friend in Port Meadows and this person told him of what happened to his brother and about a giant woman on her way to where he is.  He  got mad and so he threw his cell against the wall and he shouted, "Can you believe it, a stupid friend of mine told me about a giant woman 120 feet tall who is on he way here to save all you dumb ****S!!!  Well I don't believe is fairy tales, and guess what he told me that my brother is between her bum cheeks. Stupid idiots I am so mad I should just shoot you all."  He then screamed and aimed his gun and at that moment his partner returned and he shouted, "JASON JASON STOP WE NEED THE HOSTGES IF YOU SHOOT THEM THE POLICE WILL STORM THIS PLACE."  Jason Jason lowered his machine gun and he took a few steps back.  Jason Jason looked over to his partner and he said, "Hey Carl guess who called me, it was Kevin gues what he said."  Jason Jason then told Carl the story Kevin told him and then both men just laughed.  The Hostages continued to lie there on the floor.

   As Selena neared the city of Park Creek she slowed down and she entered the city limits and continued to walk to the city.  I moved up from between her breasts and moved forwards and moved a bit in front of her right breast and made myself comfy. Selena was walking along the side of the main highway that went into the city and as she was walking she was passing the cars down below. Then Selena entered the city and when she did she slowed down her walk and she began to walk into the city nice and slow.  She was giving the people down below a chance to get out of the way. The people down below in the streets were running fast to get out of her way and cars and other vehicles were moving out of her way. From her breasts the people looked small their shouts and screams were faint and far away.  The people were all looking up at Selena.  The city of Park Creek was larger then Port Meadows, it has a population of 185 000.  There were 3 buildings taller then Selena, one had 15 floors, the other one 14 floors and the tallest one had 21 floors.  The rest were all under 10 floors.   Selena then stopped, she then put her hands on her hips and she looked around at the city. She looked down and around at the people running around in the streets down below. Selena watched them for a minute running around.  To her their screams were faint and high pitched.  She then looked  at me and said, "Can you find the Yates Theatre building using your phone?"  I looked it up using gps and told Selena where it was and what it looked like.  Selena then took a turn and she headed across the city to the Yates Theatre building. The ground just shook with each step she took  as she was walking across the city.

  Carl and Jason Jason were having a conversation when they started to here cars honking their horns and people shouting. Two of the big windows were open but the large curtains were down so noise got in, but no one could see in.  Carl walked over to the window and he looked out he saw nothing but when he looked down he saw people down below in the streets running.  They looked like they were running from something and the 3 police cars down below pulled out and left.  He turned and he walked towards the center of the room. He then said, "The people in the streets are running from something like the streets are filled with people all running from something and the 3 police cars just left."  As soon as he finished speaking everyone felt the ground shake, the building shook. It shook again, then again and then again.  It was like something heaving hitting the ground. Jason Jason shouted, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? WE DON'T HAVE EARTHQUAKES HERE."   Carl ran to the window and he looked out and he then off to the side saw a sight that made his shout the f-word very loud.  He saw Selena walking towards the building and when Selena got closer the shaking of the ground got stronger.  Carl pulled on the ropes and he opened the curtains and as he did Jason Jason shouted. Now the 6th floor of the Yates Theatre was 2 floors tall and the curtains on the 2 story windows were open.  Carl shouted, "SHE'S HERE THE GIANT WOMAN IS HERE AND SHE IS REAL."  Just then Selena's crotch filled in their view out the window and Jason Jason opened his mouth and out fell his cigarette at what he saw.  Soem of the hostages looked to with disbelief. 

   Selena looked down at the Yates building, she then spoke her voice just boomed down. She said, "Jason Jason, surrender to me and don't hurt anyone.  I am here to take you back to Park Meadows to face charges."  Jason Jason shouted, "I can't go back to Park Meadows I will go to jail for 15 years, **** THIS!! Carl get your gun we are going to shoot this giant woman or kill everyone in here."  Carl ran and he picked up his 12 gauge shot gun and he loaded it.   Selena then got down on her right knee and as she did the ground shook, she then got down on the other knee.  She bent down and she looked in through the large windows.  As she looked in her face filled the window area as she looked in. Selena looked around and she saw two men standing there with guns. She then spoke her voice just boomed into the large room, "Alright you two.  Lower your weapons and let the hostages go and come out, or I will remove you by force."  Jason Jason shouted, "NEVER YOU STUPID GIANT BITCH I WILL KILL EVERYONE HERE NOW."  Jason Jason turned towards the hostages and he lifted his gun.  Selena pulled herself back and she straightened up and while still on her knees she made a fist with her right hand.  Selena then brought her fist down onto the roof and when she did her fist went right through the roof and as it did a chunk of the roof caved in. As Selena's hand went through the roof the sound echoed across the city.  As the roof caved in both Carl and Jason Jason both dived to get out of the way.  Debris fell on them both and there was dust everywhere. Selena then reached in and she tore a chunk of the roof right out and the sound was heard across a good part of the city. She then put the chunk of torn roof down into the street.   Selena then looked in and she saw the hostages lying there.  She then saw both men getting up.  Selena then got up and as she did the ground shook, she then looked down at them.  The two men looked up at her massive legs then to her crothch then up to her stomach.  They then looked up to her massive breasts then up to her face.  Part of Selena's face was hidden behind her massive breasts. Both men then began to shoot at Selena gun shoots were heard as both men continued to shoot at her.

   Selena then reached down and as she did they saw her huge hand coming towards them.  Before they could turn and run her hand came down through the roof and she grabbed them both with her right hand. As she grabbed them they dropped their guns.  She wrapped her fingers around their bodies and she lifted them up through the roof.  She lifted then up to her face and she looked at them. Both men were squished together and only their heads were showing and Selena had her fingers wrapped completely around their bodies.  She lifted them up to her face and she looked at them and said, "I warned you two to come out peacefully or I will use force."  Both men looked up into Selena's gigantic face and she looked back down at them.  Jason Jason then shouted up to her and he said, "Where's my brother where are you keeping him tell me now?"  Selena smiled and she said, "He is safe he won't get away.  He is between my voloutuous jiggly bum cheeks.  I think he likes it in there."  Jason Jason shouted in anger and rage. The thought was unthinkable, his brother was between the bum cheeks of a giant woman and there was nothing he could do to help him.  Both he and his brother loved to abuse and beat up women but now there was nothing he could do.  He shouted again in anger.  Selena spoke and her voice thundered over his, "Jason Jason do tell me why you are so mad.  Your brother a rapist is between my bum cheeks, he is nice and snug in there crawling around. Wait you two used to beat up and abuse women and now there is a woman you both can't even lift a hand against a woman who can easily crush you with one hand.  Or I can open my hand and let you fall to your death. My my how the tables have turned and you Jason Jason demanded the police to bring you some young girls so you are a rapist and a pedophile too.  I should just crush you both now."  Carl then began to shout for mercy and forgivness and Selena heard him.  She then said, "Alright Carl, speak tell me what?"  Carl shouted up, "I am not a rapist or a pedophile, I had no idea this man next to me was a rapist and a pedophile all I did was steel a Imac from a apple store and a hockey jersey from a sport chek store.  He threatened me into helping him."  Selena spoke, "I'm taking you both back to Park Meadows and the police can deal with you both."  Selena then took a turn and she lowered them down to her side, and she began to walk across the city. As Selena was walking across the city the ground just trembled with each step she took. 

   As Selena was walking she was seen across most of the city. The shouts and screams of the people were being heard across the city. Moris Moris was moving around there between Selena's bum cheeks and as she was walking he felt the jiggle of her volouptuous bum cheeks. Selena neared the edge of the city and she left the city, she was walking along the side of the main highway.  Selena then slowly picked up her walking speed as she headed away from Park Creek.  As Selena increased her waling speed I moved down between her breasts and I disappeared from view. Selena was now walking at her normal pace which at her size was 64mph. Selena then took a slight turn and she headed back to Park Meadows.


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Chapter 9.  New Home.


Selena continued her walk back the two prisoners in her hand were shouting and screaming but she ignored them. As she was walking I was moing around there between her breasts. Within an hour she was nearing Park Meadows and as she entered the city limits she slowed down her walk and she entered the city.  When Selena entered the city I moved up from between her breasts and popped out.  I moved forwards and moved a bit in front of her right breast and took in the view of Park Meadows. Selena was making her was across the city to the police station.

  When she arrived at the police station she handed over the two men, she then straightened up and she pulled her right bum cheek apart with her right hand and as she did Moris Moris fell out.  Selena quickly caught him before he hit the ground, he began to cuss and swear there in her hand. Selena just handed him over to the police. All three men were arrested and Selena watched as they were taken inside the police station. Once inside the two brothers were put in a cell while the other man was put into anouther cell. Then one officer said to the man in the other cell, "You claim to be innosent we will look into that until then sit tight, a lawyer is on his way to talk to you." Then a lady police officer came into the room and she looked at Moris Moris and she just began to laugh. She laughed for a good minute and she then said, "Oh my gosh Moris Moris, you a woman abuser and hater were between the bum cheeks of a real giant woman and there was nothing you could do about it ha ha ha ha. I am betting when Selena let that fart rip it probably just shook you to the core."   Moris Moris got mad he shouted a loud cry and he ran at the bars and body checked the bars and he screamed.  He the grabbed the bars and he shouted, "THAT STUPID GIANT BITCH SELENA, THAT ****ING BITCH!!! I'M GOING TO KILL THAT GIANT WOMAN SHE HAD NO RIGHT TO DO WHAT SHE DID TO ME SHE SHOULD BE PUNISHED AND BROUGHT TO JUSTICE!!!!!!"  Then a guy officer spoke up and said, "What about you what about those 6 women you raped and those 4 underage girls you raped huh what about them?"  Before Moris Moris could answer his brother Jason Jason Moris spoke up and said, "My family can do no wrong. My brother can do nothing wrong, those woman deserve what they got and so did those underage girls. They should be on their hands and knees and thank my brother Moris Moris for what he did they should beg for more.  His name is Moris Moris he is a god like me we are Greek gods now bow."  The police officers looked at each other there was silence and after a minute of silence everyone just laughed. Then the officers all left the area and as they did the two brothers were cussing and swearing.


  Selena was walking around in the city, she was letting me see Park Meadows from a giantess point of view and it was nice. From her breasts seeing the tiny people running around was a sight to see, everyone and everything down below looked small and far away. Selena then looked down at me and she said, "Lets leave this city for a while." I looked up and shouted, "Yes lets leave." Selena then headed across the city ansd as she did the ground around her just shook. When she left the city, she picked up her walking speed and she headed away from the city.

  Meanwhile at the police station a lawyer arrived, he said, "I am Kevin Johnson.  I am here to speak to Carl Bogs he claims to be innosent." To which the officer said, "We will get him and take him to a room so you can talk to him."  Kevin Johnson went to the room and in a few minutes Carl was brought in. He and Kevin began to talk. Carl said, "You've got to believe me, I'm innosent that guy Jason Moris and his brother are crazy, they said they will kill my family if I didn't do as he said I was scared."  Kevin Johnson then said, "Can you prove it?"  To which Carl said, "Yes I can I recorded the conversation on my answering machine. I don't have a cell so what he said is on my answering machine in my den." Carl then gave the location of his house, Kevin got up and he talked to a police officer for a few minutes. When he got back he told Carl that two officers have been sent to his house with a warrent.


  Selena was a good 10 miles from Park Meadows, she walked away from the highway and looking around there was nothing for a few miles around except 3 old farm buildings abandoned. There was  just rolling hills and prairie.  She then looked down at me there between her massive mounds and she then said, "Wow you sure look so small there between my breasts, tell me how big do you think they are to you?"  I shouted up and said, "Let me do a quick calculation and a measurement."  I began to do a quick calculation and measurement. I then shouted up to her and said, "Selena well it looks like your breasts are huge to me.  Your cleavage is a good 10.5 feet deep and each breast is 10.5 feet high and 9 feet wide and they stick out 6 feet from your chest."  Selena nodded and she said, "Hey want to play hide and seek, I will cover my eyes and you go and hide."  Selena began to count, I just slid down between her massive mounds and I looked up through her cleavage and saw a part of her face. It was nice and dark down there between her massive mounds.  I then quickly moved under her left breast and disappeared from view.  She stopped counting she then said, Ready or not here I come."  She then headed towards the old farm buildings as she walked her breasts jiggled and moved and I was feeling it. She stopped and she said, "Hmm I wonder where my boyfriend is hiding is he hiding in one of these buildings."  I stayed still there under her left massive breast.  Selena reached down and she tore the roof off the old building and she looked in and she said, "Hmm not in this one maybe in the other one."  Selena then reached over and tore the roof off the other building and she looked in and said, "Not in this one where could he be hiding." 


   Selena was playing and to me it was so exciting.  I then moved and began to push on her breast with all my might and as I did I heard her voice, "I thought I felt something."  Selena then pulled her breasts apart a bit and she looked down between her cleavage and I heard her thunderous voice, she said, "Is my boyfriend down there in my cleavage is he hiding down there."  She then looked in and as she did I moved out from under her left breast and shouted up. "Here I am Giant Goddess Selena."  Selena then smiled down and she said, "I found you. You are so safe there between my breasts.  They can be your home cause there is lots of room for you in there."  I was looking up at Selena's giant face and her massive mounds were blocking part of her face. I shouted up as loud as I could, "Yes oh yes. It would be so fun to live in here between your massive mounds."  I then moved up a bit and turned and tried to hug her massive right breast with all my might but her breast was just so huge and large.  Selena smiled and said, "Well then enjoy your new home."  Selena then sat down onto the ground. 


  Back at the police station the answering machine was brought into the police station and after the police listened to it the police chief got up and he said, "Find Selena and tell her whats on the tape, looks like we are going to need her help with this one."  A few minutes later 3 police cars left the station with sirens and lights.




I continued to crawl around there between Selena's massive mounds. As she looked down there to see me I saw only a part of her face cause her breasts blocked some of her face.  I was having so much fun in there.  Selena then heard the police sirens, she turned her head and saw 3 police cars approaching.  They turned off the road and drove through the field towards her, she continued to sit.  They stopped within her arms reach, she did not get up, she continued to sit.  I crawled up and moved forwards to see what was going on.  Even though she was sitting on the ground she still towered way above the police cars. I watched as the police got out, and Selena said to them, "Al right, what can I do for you?".  To which one officer replied, "That man you brought in the one who claimed to be innocent?". Selena nodded her head, and the officer continued,  "Well we looked into it he is innocent and from a recording the two brothers forced him to do what he did cause they kidnapped his wife and daughter.  They are being held about 45 miles south of here about 1 mile from a town called Dagger. Apparently there is a Giant woman who is holding them she is friends with Morris Morris. ". Selena interrupted the officer and said,  "Another giant? Are you sure.?".  The officer said, "Yes we are sure we called the local Sherrif and they confirmed that there is a real giant woman there she is 55 feet tall.  If she finds out her man Morris Morris is in jail she will come looking for him and his brother.". The officer was interrupted by another officer they spoke for a minute, he the shouted up to Selena.  "She is heading this way she just left the town and she is carrying the mother and the daughter, can you help them?". 


   Selena nodded her head and said, "Yes I will help, I will deal with that 55 foot woman.".   Selena then stood up and she looked around and took a step and headed south towards the town of Dagger. Selena looked down at me and said, "That other giant woman is 55 feet tall, her head just reached my crotch. I will be easy to deal with her and take her hostages.".   Selena then picked up her walking speed and headed across the country side. 


  Meanwhile the 55 foot woman Candace was walking nice and slow away from the town of Dagger she was holding the mother in her right hand and the daughter in her left.  The daughter was 13 and the young girl was pushing on the giant woman's fingers with all her might.  Then Candace lifted the mother up to her face and said, "Soon I will be with my man Morris Morris and he will tell me what I should do to you both, if I says live then I shall let you go but if he says die then I shall crush you both, ha ha ha ha ha ha.".  The mother shouted and said, "Candace, can't you think for yourself?  That Morris Morris is an idiot and a low life, he is using you he..."  Before the mother could say another word Candace put the squeeze on her and the mother started to gasp for air. Candace stopped walking and she shouted at the small woman in her hand, "WHO THE **** DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO SPEAK ILL BOUT A REAL GOD MORRIS MORRIS. HE KNOWS EVERYTHING AND IS POWERFUL.  I SHOULD JUST END YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW YOU STUPID ****ING BITCH.".  The daughter screamed at the top of her lungs as she saw the life being squeezed from her mother.


   Selena had already picked up her speed, she was running through the country side towards the town.   Selena's running speed was 210 mph and as she was running I was enjoying the jiggle of her mounds. Selena continued her run and as she was running her thighs along with her bum just jiggled along with her breasts.  As she was running up ahead of her a good 4 miles away a bit off to the side she saw something large standing, Selena headed towards it. 


  Candace was still putting thje squeeze onto the mother, and Candace happened to look up and that's when she saw Selena running towards her. As Selena got close she slowed down her run to a walk and she stopped a good 300 feet away from Candace.  Candace loosened her grip on the mother and the mother was gasping for air.  Selena then walked up to Candace and she was a good 60 to 70 feet from her.  Candace looked up at Selena ands she said out loud, "Oh my gosh, what the ****?"  The mother and daughter were both looking up at Selena who just towered over their captor.  Selena then spoke and said, "Let those two go if not I will use force.". Candace turned and she shouted,  "**** you bitch."   She started to run from Selena but Selena caught up to her and she grabbed Candace and she pushed her down and Candace screamed.  Selena then pried both the mother and daughter from Candace's grip and as she did Candace just screamed.  Selena stood up she had both the mother and daughter in her left hand.  She lifted them up to her face and she said to them, "Its alright my name is Selena,  I won't hurt you.  You are safe."  Candance then charged at Selena and she began to hit and punch Selena in the legs and as she did this she was cussing.  Selena moved her hand to her right shoulder and she let both the mother and daughter go onto her right shoulder.


   From Selena's breasts I looked up and saw the two on her right shoulder and they looked down and saw me nice and snug there between Selena's massive mounds. Candence continued her assult and Selena just pushed her and she sent Candence flying.  The mother then said to Selena,  "Hey Selena.  There is a tiny man there between your breasts."  Selena replied, "Yes he is my boyfriend and thats where I keep him.  Sometimes he rides up here on my shoulder like you two are doing now."  Candence again attacked Selena this time Selena reached down and she grabbed Candence with both hands at her ribs.  She lifted Candence up into the air and gave her a squeeze and Candence began to squirm.  Selena then said loudly, "Whats your problem?  I am much bigger then you, I can easily hurt you so back off."  She then threw Candence aside and Candence flew a good 200 feet before landing.   When Candence landed she just rolled and bounced.  Candence got up and she shouted, "You're dead you giant bitch."  Candence then sprinted away from Selena.  Selena watched as Candence ran away.  The Mother said to Selena, "I think she is running back to that town of Dagger."   To which Selena replied, "Will she take her anger out on the people?"  The mother replied, "I am not sure but from her behavior I would not be suprised at all."  Selena took a breath and said, "Well then it looks like we are all going to the town of Dagger."  Selena then headed out towards the town.


  Candence reached the town and she ran into it.  The town of Dagger has a population of 5500 with 3 tall buildings with 3 floors.  Candence ran into the town and she shouted, "Listen everyone listen.  Get your guns and knives and pitchforks cause there is a giant girl headed this way.  She is mean and nasty and she is coming to kill you all.  If you commit your loyality to me I will fight on your side."  The people in the town were wondering what Candence meant.  She is the only giant they know of and during the past 2 days she tormented several of them and she had destroyed 3 houses.  As Selena neared the town she slowed down her walk and the people noticed her arrival. Selena walked up to the town and she slowly entered the town.  Up ahead close to the center of town she saw Candence standing there.  Selena took a few steps into the town, she then stopped.  Screams and shouts rose up from across the town of Daggert and people began to run through the streets shouting and screaming.  One guy close to Candence shouted up, "You stupid giant bitch.  What do you mean fight her she is at least two and a half times bigger then you."  He too started to run down the street.  Many were running away from Selena some of the people ran into some buildings.  Selena then headed across the town towards Candence and as she did the ground across the city shook with each step she took.   Selena stopped close to Candence and Candence looked up at Selena and she said, "Do you hear these tiny people shouting, look at them run as fast as they can.  They are terrified of you.  I told them the truth that you are here to hurt them.  Now they are scared and some will fight you."  Selena looked around and she watched as the tiny people were running through the streets scared.

   Selena then noticed several pick up trucks heading towards her.  On the back of the pick up trucks were 3 men armed with shot guns.  They stopped a good block from her.  Selena looked down at them.  Then at least 15 men ran forwards towards Selena, and they began to shoot up at her.  The just shot at her but Selena was not affected at all, and Selena took a step and as she did they went running. Selena then said, "Really guys? Come on look at me I'm a towering giant at 120 feet.  I am not here to hurt any of you cause if I wanted to I could of easily crushed the men who were shooting at me.  I can easily destroy this town but I won't I'm not here to hurt any of you."  Selena then looked over at Candence and she then said to her, "You need to stop tormenting and scaring these tiny people."  Candence screamed and she ran at Selena and she began to punch and hit Selena in the legs and as Candence did this Selena just laughed and said, "Candence just stop there is no way you are going to hurt me." Selena then grabbed Candence by her hair and with one hand Selena lifted Candence up into the air by her hair and as she did Candence screamed. Selena lifted her up to eye level and she held her there. Candence shouted, "Let me go you stupid giant bitch your are hurting me."  Selena then shook her and said, "Listen Candence I am bigger and stronger and smarter then you.  You won't last 5 seconds in a fight with me. I'm going to keep and eye on you."


   Selena then grabbed Candence with her other hand and she turned her over and she then put Candence under her right arm. Selena reached around Candence with her right arm squeezing Candence to her side.  Candence's arms were pinned to her side by Selena's right arm, and Candence was now nice and snug under Selena's right arm. Candence was kicking the air with all her might but it was totall useless.  Selena then headed across the town and once she left the town she then picked up her walking speed.  The mother and daughter moved close to Selena's neck and sat down taking in the view at the height they were at. 


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  Chapter 10.  Candence Escapes.




Selena continued her walk she was still holding Candence was still under her right arm pinned unable to move except to kick her legs. Selena then said, "What are your names?"   The mother replied, "My name is JoAnn and this is my daughter May. Thank you for saving us."  Selena replied, "No problem."  She just continued her walk across the country. Then May decided to look back and when she did she shouted, "Hey mom that helicopter is coming upon us fast look."   JoAnne turned and she looked and there was a helicopter coming upon Selena fast and JoAnee told Selena, she stopped and she turned and as she did the helicopter asceneded up and it flew over Selena. I flew out a good 300 feet ahead of her and it hovered there.  Then several men began to jump out and they were going down to the ground on cables and they were armed. At least 10 men landed onto the ground.  The helicopter ascended higher and it then moved towards Selena and it flew around her. As it  flew around her the gun man opend fire and Selena was hit in the arm and shoulders with bullets but she was unharmed.  The helicopter flew out and it hovered a good 300 feet away. Then it began slowly began to move towards her and  the gun man opened fire and Selena was being hit in the chest and stomach with bullets.  She lifted her hand to protect JoAnne and May, I moved deep between her breasts. The helicopter then moved off and it flew up higher, and Candence was kicking violently and she was squirming with all her might. 


   Selena quickly grabbed JoAnne and May and she dropped them down between her breasts and said, "You two will be safe between my mounds, I will deal with this."  The two of them slid down between Selena's massive mounds and Selena then charged at the helicopter which started to shoot at her and Selena swung at it and her fingers just grazzed the bottom of the helicoper which sent it spinning as it flew up higher. Then one of the men shot Selena with a RPG-7  grenade  and Selena was hit in the chest and when she was hit her breasts just jiggled and we all felt it and heard the explosion.  Selena saw the man down below and she saw him run she took a step and she stepped over him and her foot came down infront of him and he ran into her foot.  She was then hit in the right arm with a couple of granade launchers and she felt it. She dropped Candence and Candence shouted, "KILL THIS STUPID BITCH SELENA AND THEN I WILL CRUSH JOANNE AND MAY."  The helicopter returned and it began to fire upon Selena and the 10 men on the ground began to fire upon her too.  Candence was about to get up, Selena then kicked her in the stomach and she sent Candence flying through the air. Selena turned and she got down on her knees and she in a swooping manner began to sweep the tall grass and as she did the men ran and dived. As she was sweeping she hit a couple of men and she sent them flying.  Selena got up and she looked around and in the distance she saw some poplar trees.


   Selena then made a run for the trees and she headed towards the trees.   The helicopter followed and the gun man reloaded and Selena was being hit in the back.  Selena reached the poplar trees there are 5 large ones, each 50 to 60 feet tall.  She grabbed one and she just tore it out of the ground and she swung it at the helocopter and the helicopter backed off.  She threw it at the helicoper but she missed.  Selena grabbed anouther poplar tree and she tore it out of the ground and as she did the helicopter began to fly away, and Selena swung the tree and she thre it after the helicopter and the tree flew threw the air after the helicopter.  The tree clipped the tail of the helicopter and it tore the tail off and the helicopter came crashing down.  The helicopter began to spin and it came and crashed down.  Selena then headed towards the helicopter and the pilot and the gun man managed to get out and they began to run from the helicopter.  Selena looked down at the crashed helicopter, she reached down and she grabbed it with her right and and she lifted it up into the air to her face.  She tightened her grip and as she did she was crushing the helicopter and it could be heard.  Selena lifted the helicopter into the air to her side and she held it there.  She then shouted, "ALRIGHT YOU DUMB ****S, ARE YOU GUYS LOOKING TO GET CRUSHED, DO YOU THINK THAT I CAN BE STOPPED.? "  She looked down and around and she saw the men approaching her, she then threw the helicopter and she sent it flying through the air, which sent the men running.  Selena looked around and she said, "Where is that woman Candence?  I moved up and popped out from between her massive mounds and i said, "Selena, I'm thinking this attack was a distraction to free Candence."  Selena looked down and she agreed, she looked down between her breasts and ther deep between her breasts she saw JoAnne and May.


    Selena then said, "JoAnne is there anywhere you and your daughter can stay?"  JoAnne looked up and she said, "We can stay at my sisters on Port Meadows."  Selena then said, "I will take you there."  Selena then headed off to Port Meadows.  As Selena was walking both JoAnne and May felt the jiggle of her massive mounds, there was more then enough room for all of us in there.





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   Chapter 11.  Attack on a cruise ship.




Selena was walking across the country side on her way back to Port Meadows and JoAnne and her daughter May and I were deep between Selena's massive breasts.  As Selena was walking her breasts jiggled and we all felt it.  There was enough room for at least anouther 3 people in there.  Then Joanne said to me, "Your girlfriend Selena is very pretty and a real giant.  You are very lucky."  I smiled and said, "Why thanks."  JoAnne  then continued, "Just think. Just imagine living here between her breasts, this massive cleavage could be you home and you would be safe and warm here, has she asked if you want to make her cleavage you home?"  I looked at both JoAnne and May and said, "Yes she has suggested it and I said 'yes' to it."  Just then we heard Selena's thunderous voice. "Hey everyone, I'm coming upon Port Meadows."  As soon as she said that we 3 began to climb up and all three of us popped out and both JoAnne and her daughter moved forwards a bit and just took in the view at the height they were at.  As Selena entered the city limits she slowed down her walk and she entered the city of Port Meadows.  JoAnne shouted the directions up to Selena and Selena began to walk through the city to the location that JoAnne gave her.


  Both JoAnne and her daughter were just watching the tiny people in the streets running to get out of Selena's way.  When Selena reached the location she gently grabbed JoAnne and her daughter and she lowered them down to the ground at JoAnne's sisters place.  Selena let them go and she then headed away from there. Selena was making her was across the city when a man ran out in front of her and he began to shout up waving his arms.  Selena stopped she squatted down and said, "Whats wrong?"  The man shouted up and said, "My brother he lives in Park Creek and he works on a cruise ship.  The cruise ship is setting sail but that giant 50 foot woman Candence boarded with her goons and she and her goons are hurting the people.  Candence will kill some people I know that woman and she is dangerous."   Selena straightened up and said, "Don't worry I will stop her, tell your brother I'm on my way to Park Creek."  Selena stepped over him and she headed across the city and when she left the city limits she picked up her speed and I slid down between her breasts.   As soon as Selena left the city limits of Port Meadows she began to run to Park Creek.  With Selena running she was covering 3.5 miles a minute and she was now on her way to Park Creek.


  At Park Creek the cruise ship set sail and Candence and her goons were on board, and they were taking over the ship.  The cruise ship came to a stop a good 2500 feet from shore, the Captain ordered the ship to return to port but he was shot but not killed, and the helms man stopped the ship. Candence was walking around on the ship screaming and shouting at the people.  Candence grabbed a few people and she threw them over board like a foot ball. Some she just kicked and just sent them flying through the air like a soccer ball.  Candence made a fist and she punched a hole through the ship and she reached in and she grabbed a woman and she pulled her out and she looked at the woman and said, "I should just rip your head off right now you turd."  Candence then grabbed the woman's head and the woman screamed and she began to push on Candence's fingers. Candence stopped and said, "No.  I won't rip your head off.  I will make you into a soccerball."  Candence then threw the woman into the air, and as the woman came down she kicked the woman and she sent her flying a good 400 feet through the air and Candence and her goons just laughed.  Then one of Candence's goons ran up to her and said, "Candence. giant Candence that giant woman Selena is almost at Park Creek, she might be coming to stop you or join you."  Candence looked down and she said, "Selena is here to stop me."  The man then said, "Then we better set sail."  Candence shouted, "Do it start the engines and head far out to sea."   The man radioed the bridge and told then to star the engines and head out to sea.  The engines began to power up.


   Selena entered the city of Park Creek and she headed across the city towards the harbor.  The cruise engines were powered up and the ship was put into gear and the ship began to move slowly away from the harbor out to sea.  Selena reached the harbor and she saw the cruise ship and she saw Candence there on the ship.  I popped out from between her breasts and shouted, "Selena.  The ship is too far out, what are you going to do?"  Selena looked around and then she saw a large anchor with a long chain attached to it a good 100 feet away.  Selena took a few steps and she grabbed the anchor and she agjusted the chain.  She said to me, "I can use this anchor.  I will throw it at the cruise ship and when it catches I will pull the ship back to shore."   Selena grabbed the end of the chain with her left hand and she grabbed the chain 40 feetunder the anchor with her right hand.  Selena then began to twirl the anchor around and around and the anchor began to spin like a propeller. Selena then threw the anchor in the direction of the cruise ship and the anchor flew through the air. The anchor crashed on the bacl of the cruise ship and it tore up a part of the deck and it got caught and the chain in Selena's hands tightened. Selena pulled on the chain and everyone on the cruise ship felt it.  The ship shook and most of the people fell over and Selena bagan to pull the cruise ship into shore.   Selena stood there and she was pulling the cruise ship back to shore.  Candence shouted, "PUT THE ****ING ENGINES TO FULL POWER YOU IDIOTS YOU STUPID DUMB ****S."  One of her goons shouted, "THE ENGINES ARE AT FULL POWER BUT SELENA IS WAY TO STRONG. SHE IS GOING TO HURT US."  As the ship got to shore Selena move back and as she did she pulled the ship to shore, and she pulled it up to the land a bit so that it would not be able to head out to sea.


   The deck of the cruise ship came up to Selena's breasts and she was looking there at the deck.  Candence quickly ran up to her and she kicked Selena in the face and Selena grabbed Candence by the left leg and just threw her aside and Candence went flying through the air a good 500 feet.  Candence landed and she just rolled and bounced a a good 300 feet.  The police began to board the cruise ship and Candence's goons and the police got into a gun fight.  Candence was getting up and Selena walked up to her and she kicked Candence in the stomach and she sent Candence flying throught the air.  Candence landed and she just rolled a few hundred feet. Candence could barely get up and Selena walked up to her and she put her right foot onto Candence and Candence began to squirm under Selena's foot.  Selena took her foot off Candence, she reached down and she grabbed Candence by her neck and head.  Selena's fingers completely wrapped around her neck and most of her head and Selena lifted Candence up into the air with one hand.  Candence began to squirm and Selena squeezed her neck and head and Candence felt it and she was unable at scream cause Selena's hands were completely covering her mouth. 


   Selena heald Candence up into the air and Candence began to kick her legs and Selena was being kicked in the stomach.  Selena then threw Candence into the air and she sent Candence flying through the air.  Candence landed and she fell onto her back and she slide several feet. Selena began to walk towards her and Selena said, "So Candence how does it feel like to be thrown around and treated like crap?"  Candence was slowly getting up when a pick up truck drove between Selena and Candence and there were 3 men with Ak-47's on the back.  The aimed up and they began to fire at Selena and Selena was being hit in the legs and thighs with bullets.  Candence got up and she headed into the city.  Selena got down on her right kneee and she flipped the pickup truck and she sent it flying through the air along with its occupants. The 3 gun men went flying too.  Selena stood up and she headed towards the pick up truck, the driver managed to get out.  Selena reached down and she picked it up and she just tore the pick up truck in half and as she did the tearing of the metal was heard. Selena then threw each hafl aside and she headed into the city after Candence. 


   Candence ran into the city and she headed down a street, the people in the streets were getting out of her way.  Selena entered the city and she saw Candence in the distance.  Selena then headed across the city towards Candence, I move forwards in her cleavage and move a bit in front of her right breast and looked down and around.  Looking down I saw the tiny people in the streets running to get out of Selena's way.  Most of the street was cleared because of Candence. Looking up ahead I too saw Candence running, she then took a turn and she went behind a tall 10 story building.  Selena got there and Candence was not there, Selena stopped and she looked around and then she saw Candence moving quickly and as Candence was moving she was ducking behind the taller buildings.  Candence was making her way to the city center and Selena saw that she continued to go after Candence.



    Selena entered the city of Port Meadows and she headed towards the downtown part of the city.  Candence hid behind a 10 story building and she shouted to her goons, "Get out there and start shooting at her."  Several men went out and started to run towards Selena shooting.  Candence looked around and she saw that she was getting smaller and she shouted, "****, ITS WEARING OFF I'VE GOT TO HIDE."  She looked around she was already down to 15 feet, she ducked down and she pushed her way into a building through some large doors.  Selena just stepped over the guys shooting at her and she arrived at the building Candence was hiding behind.  Selena looked and she was not there.  Selena looked around and said to me, "There are only 4 tall buildings in this city she can't hide too long, I'll find her."  Selena continued to look for Candence.


  Inside the building Candence stopped shrinking she now stood at a heaigh of 6 feet 5 inches and she was walking down a hallway.  As she went around a corner she bumped into a lady and the lady fell over, the lady said loudly, "Hey becareful.  I could of gotten hurt."  The Lady gets up and Candence looks at her and says, "Get out of my way bitch."  She then pushed the lady aside and instead of the lady just being pushed to the side she flew through the air down the hallway.  At the end of the hallway were 3 large windows the lady hit the windows and she flew right through them and she landed onto the stret, alive but brused with broken bones.  Candence laughed and said, "Oh my gosh, I shrunk down but i still have the strenght of a giant."  A man happened to come around the corner and he said, ""Whats going on what happened?"  Candence gave him an angry look, she then grabbed him by the neck and with one hand she lifted him inot the air, and as she did several poeple showed up.  They saw a tall woman holding a man up inot the air by his neck with his feet off the ground.  Candence said loudly, "Stupid ****ing man, you will now die."  The man tried to pry her fingers open but was unable to.  Just then two big men rushed to help but Candence grabbed one by the shirt and she just flung him down the hallway like a toy.  The other one she hit in the face and he flew through the air right through a wall.  The man she was holding by the neck was turning blue and Candence said, "There there stupid ugly man soon you will die and go to hell, ha ha ha ha ha ha."  five other people rushed to help but they were unable to over power Candence.  Just then a guy shouted, "Everyone stand back."  The people moved away, he aimed his gun and he began to shoot, Candence got hit in the back sevaral times and as she did she fell forwards a bit and she dropped the man.  She got up and some people had pulled the man away.


   Candence looked at the man who shot her and she shouted, "You ****ing *******.  I'm going to rip off your arms and then your head."  She then rushed at the man like a charging bull.  The man opened fire and Candence was hit in the chest several times.  Anouther man showed up and he too began to shoot and Candence fell to the floor moaning.  Some other guy said loudly, "Look, she is not even being hurt by the bulets there is no stopping her."   Candence began to get up and as she did one of the men shot her in the head and Candence fell back to the floor.  He then said, "Oh m gosh, the bullet won't even penetrate her at close range." Candence moaned and she began to get up the man shouted, "EVERYONE CLEAR OUT RUN, RUN."  EVERYONE BEGAN TO CLEAR THE FLOOR.  The people began to run out of the building shouting and from Selena's massive breasts I heard the comotion and shouted u toSelena.  She stoped and she turned and she saw several people running fromthe tall building and she walked towards it.  a man came running towrds her shoutig, Selena squatted down and he said, "There is a blonde woman inside with super strength she is like supergirl.  She just about killed a man and several of us could not stop her then thses two guys shot her and she is unharmed.  She sounds pissed off." Selena stood up and as she did just below her chest level a man came flying through the wall right into her under her right breast.  Selena quicklygrabbed him before he fell to the ground, and she put him down.  She then said, "Well it looks like Candence shrunk but she still has the strength of a giant."  Selena bent down a bit and she looked in and she saw Candence..


  Selena said loudly, "CANDENCE! WHAT THE HELL AREYOU DOING?"  Selena made a fist and she punched through the side of the tall building as as she did some debris fell inot the streets.  Selena reached in to grab Candence but Candence ran ot of the way, she ran inot an elevator and she headed to the top floor.  Selena began to feel around in there for her.  Selena then pulled her arm out and she began to look in through the windows she had to bed down to do this.  I moved deeper into her masive breast cleavage. Selena was looking in through the windows to find Candence.  Selena was moving around the 9 story building looking for Candence and down below the people were just watching.  I was helping Selena look too and down below more people were running out of the building.  Then through the top floor window awoman went flying out and Selena quickly grabbed her and she gently put her down. Selena stood up and when she did the top of the building was justbelow her breasts.  Selena made a fist and she brought it down onto the roof of the building and when she hit the roof it just caved is.  The sound echoed across the city.  Selena punched again making the hole much bigger, she then looked in through the large hole in the roof.  As Selena looked in through the torn roof she saw Candence lying there.  Candence then began to get up and Selena reached in through the torn roof and she grabbed Candence wrapping her fingers arouund her body so that all you could see was Candence's head.  Selena lifted her up through the torn roof and held her in front of her face.


   Down below a crowd began to cheer as Selena was holding Candence in her hand. Candence scramed and Selena said loudly, "SHUT UP CANDENCE!!! You wanted to kill people what the hell is the matter with you?  Are you insane?"  Candence looked up and she shouted, "LET ME GO YOU GIANT ****ING BITCH."  Selena then felt her fingers slowly being pushed apart and she increased her gip and Candence screamed loudly.  Selena smiled and she said, "Candence, you may still have the strength of a giant but alwys remember that I am alot stronger then you."  Selena then moved her hand to her side and she then began to walk through the city. Three police cars and an ambulance stopped in fron of her and some men got out and a woman in white.  The woman in white shouted upto Selena and Selena squatted down.  The woman in white introduced her self as Dr. Beth Johnson, she said, "My brother was the detective who released several bullets inot that woman, she is quite dangerouns..."  Selena interupted and said, "I kow she was a giant and now she is shrunken down but she still has the strength and powers of a 50 foot giant."  Dr. Johnson replied, "we need to sadate her and keep her locked down,once she is sadated she will be locked down until her strength wears off then she is going to jail."  Selena lowered Candence down and Candence began to scream, and within 5minutes Candence was sadated. 


  Selena then straightened up and she then headed across the city.  Once she left the city limits she picked up her walking speed.









 Chapter 1.  She take me home.



Name:      Selena Roberts.


   Age:         23


   Height:    120 feet.  /  36 meters  57cm/


   Weight:   773 tons.  /  701 metric tons.






 Chapter 1.  Selena  takes me home.


It was a Saturday morning at the end of April. I got up and got ready for the day. There was a knock at my door, it was Selena, my girlfriend, she came to pick me up. I was going to spend the day at her place so I packed a few things and headed out with her. We got into her car and she drove us all the way to her place. After we got into her home, she told me to make myself at home so I did. She then took me up stairs and took me into a room. In this room there was a large walk in closet and she took me in there by the hand. There was a walkin closet in her room and she went in.  A moment later she pushed out a cart and on the cart was some kind of device.  The base was rectangular with a long tube sticking out, the tube was round and about 4 inches thick.  On the side there was a view screen and a secondary view screen. She turned it on and said, "This is alien technology which I was given, it a a shrink and grow device."  I replied, "No such thing Selena, but for fun tell me how it works."  Selena lifted it off the cart and she put it back down, she said, "Its light weight, the smallest it can make a person in 1 inch and the tallest is 120 feet, want to be small for a while?"  I said ok.




   She turned on the device, and it hummed, the view screen turned on and she turned the device at me, the end of the tubular device let off a blue glow and from the tip a smaller tube emerged and she said, "Hold still for 10 seconds."  A blue laser beam hit me in the chest.  Then where the tubular section was the sides opened up like a flower looked like 3 petals and an electral charge came from the tiops of them and the electral charge came to the point of the tubular device.  Then a green lighting bolt shot out and in 10 seconds I was reduced to 4 inches in height, everything was large.  Selena turned off the device, and she took a step towards me.  I looked up at her, she was huge massive, I was scared. She spoke and her voice was the same but like thunder, "So what do you think?"  I wanted to run, but knew I would not be able to get away, so I ran towards her and fell before her right foot.  Selena took a step back and she sat down on the floor.  She reached out her index finger towards me and i reached out and touched it.




   Selena then reached out more and wrapped her fingers completely around my body, only my head and neck was visable.   She lifted me up into the air up to her face and she smiled at me.    I was totally shocked.  I was looking into her huge gigantic  face and she was looking at me.  Selena's face was huge to me, to me her face was at least 10 to 12  feet high and her eyes alone were larger then dinner plates and she was looking at me.  "Well, tell me what you think?" boomed Selena's voice .  As Selena spoke her breath washed over me and it blew my hair back and her voice was hers but louder, and   I was excited, "Wow, this is so neat, you are a giant.   Hey Selena how small and how big can it make anyone and how long will it last." To which She replied, "The smallest it can make anyone is 3 inches and the tallest is 120 feet. The longest it lasts is 16 hours, then the person will slowly grow back to normal or shrink back to normal size.  Returning to normal size takes about a minute.    Once the device is used on you it won't work until you've returned to normal size.    Then you must wait at least 3 hours otherwise it won't work.   I've set this setting for 2 hours.   Now  would you like to ride on my shoulder as I do stuff around the house and prepare lunch for us?" boomed Selena's voice. I shouted with excitement, "Yes, yes, oh yes Selena."


  Selena put me onto her left shoulder.  Now Selena was wearing a light blue tang top with cleavage showing and she was wearing skin tight yellow  spandex pants.  I stood there on her shoulder and looked around, I walked around then I sat upon her left shoulder and moved close to her neck.  Selena  then walked out of the room.   She walked into her room and stood in front of her dresser and looked into the mirror.   "So, are you excited, you get to spend the next hour right there on my shoulder." boomed  Selena's voice.  "I am so excited, this is so much fun." I replied. There I was sitting on my girlfriends left shoulder.  There was enough room for at least anouther 4 or 5 people to sit beside me there.  As I looked down I saw her massive mounds, to me they were massive and huge.


   Selena  then walked out of her room, and out into the kitchen and started to make some lunch. It took her about 5 minutes to make it, I ate with her and remained there on her left shoulder.   When we finished lunch, she  got up and did a few things around the house.


     It was very exciting for me to be on her shoulders. When she finished she stopped and asked, "So what would you like to do now?" I thought for a minute and had an idea.   "Hey can you walk down the hallway and turn around and put your hands on your hips and say loudly that you are a giant and walk down the hallway."  


   Selena nodded her head, she walked down the hallway stopped and turned around.   She put her hands on her hips and said loudly, "Listen up everyone, I am Selena   and I am a giant."   Selena  then dropped her hands to her side and walked down the hallway. At the end she stopped she reached over and she grabbed me and she lowered me down and she let me go and i slide down between her massive breasts.  I stopped sliding down and i looked up and saw her gigantic face and she was smiling down at me. She spoke and said, "Wow you are so small there between my breasts.  Have a look around."  As soon as she finished speaking I began to crawl around there between her massive breasts.   Selena then spoke again and I stopped and I looked up and her voice thundered down into her breast cleavage and she said, "Hey lets play hide and seek, okay.  I will count and you hide, alright so here we go.  I will count to 10."  Selena began to count slowly, I looked around and I turned and started to go deeper into her massive cleavage.  I got to the bottom and  I saw the bottom of her bra and I quickly moved under her right breast and hid from view.  Selena finished counting and I heard her thunderous voice, "Alright, ready or not I'm going to look for you."  Selena took a few steps and i felt it and she said, "Where did my boyfriend go where could he have hidden, is he between my breasts?"  I peaked out from under her massive right breast and saw her looking down between her breasts.  From my view it was like looking up from a deep dark valley and i only saw a part of her face.  Selena then pulled her breasts apart and she looked down between her breasts and I moved quickly back under her right breast.  Selena spoke and said, "I wonder which breast you are hiding under come out come out."  I then popped out from under her right breast and Selena let go out her breasts and I began to crawl up.  When I crawled up I popped out from between her breasts and I looked around.






    Selena's cleavage.  I was between these massive mounds.




Selena then walked into the family room and sat down on the floor she grabbed me and put me down beside her.  I ran forward to her feet, she was barefooted, and her foot was just huge compaired to me.  She said to me, "Oh my, my foot is so big compaired to you."   I quickly ran around so I was faceing her sole of her left foot. she lowered her toes down  I ran forward and hugged her Big left toe with all my might. I wrapped my arms around her big toe.  She then straightend her foot and I was up in the air. I was holding onto Selena's big toe, and I shouted as loud as I could,  "OH MY GOODNESS SELENA YOUR BIG TOE IS SO HUGE, AND SO BIG." I again hugged her big toe with all my might for a good 30 seconds.  I then moved between her big toe and second toe and continued to hug her big toe, it was so big. I was unable to wrap my arms around her big toe.  She then reached over and grabbed me and stood up and lifted me to her face.




  She then headed to her room she then layed down on her bed on her stomach, she put me on her shoulder and said, "I'm going to play on my laptop for a while so you can explore if you want."  She turned on her laptop and began to surf the web.  I ran down her back, I wanted to explore her booty, so I headed for it.  Selena's bum was nice and round, and voluptuous,  she had on her skin tight yellow spandex.  I ran up onto her right bum cheek and ran to the middle and looked around. The skin tight yellow spandex was tight and it cut into her bum cleavage and  parting both cheeks.  Selena' cheeks were jiggly, and voluptuous.  I ran and jumped from her right cheek to her left bum cheek.  I then began to jump up and down on her left bum cheek using it as a trampoline. Selena moved a bit and as she did her cheeks jiggled and I fell over.






                     Selena in her skin tight yellow spandex.




   Just then Selena heard a voice form down the hallway, it was her friend Terry, she opened the from door and called out Selena's name, Selena shouted, "I'm in my room Terry come on in."  Selena turned her head back and said to me, "Quickly go hide, no one must see you shrunken and  know about the device I have."  I looked around and I ran towards Selena's bum cleavage and I slide down and went down between her bum cheeks, I disappeared from view as Terry walked in. Selena's spandex was nice and smooth so I was comfortable.  Terry walked in and sat down on the bed next to Selena.  I moved deeper down between her bum cheeks I was completely envelped by her bum cheeks, and I kept quiet there between Selena's bum cheeks.


  Terry wanted to barrow some coffee so Selena got up to get her some, I felt Selena get up.  Her cheeks held me secure, Selena and her friend Terry headed to the kitchen.  As Selena was walking she had booty bounce and her cheeks jiggled and I was feeling it and it felt good. I was nice and snug there between Selena's bum cheeks.   Selena got some coffee ready for her friend and they talked for a few more minutes, and Terry left.  Selena then walked back to her room and she stopped infront of her dresser and she turned and looked at her butt in the mirror.  She then said out loud, "Oh my gosh, my boyfriend is nice and snug between my jiggly bum cheeks, he is completely hidden from view.  My bum cheek s have completely enveloped him."   Selena stood there looking into the mirror and she jiggled her bum cheeks and I felt it felt good. She then gave me a nice squeeze with her bum cheeks and as she did I was squeezed into the walls of her cheeks completely unabel to move entirely at her mercy. She then layed down on her bed, she then un squeezed her bum cheeks and as she did they jiggled.  Selena then  turned her head and said loudly, "Terry's gone you can come out now."  I heard her voice it was faint and  so I came out and and headed up onto her right bum cheek.  I then sat down onto her right cheek.  


   I sat there for a few minutes, I then got up and began to run around just on her right bum cheek for a minute, I then ran over onto her left bum cheek and continued to run around.  I ran off her left cheek onto her tighs and ran down to her knee then back up onto her left bum cheek over onto her right bum cheek.  She turned her head and looked back a bit and said, "Wow it sure looks like you are having fun."   Selena the gave her cheeks a flex and when she did I fell over.  She gave anouther flex and it jiggled and I felt it.  She then just lay there with me on her right bum cheek.  I sat there for a few minutes looking around, I looked up towards her head she was on her laptop.  I got up and ran over to her bum cleavage and got down and slide down between her bum cheeks again and as I did I disappeared from view.


    I slide down and disappeared from view there I was nice and snug again between my giant girlfriends bum cheeks.  I began to move around in there, there was room and it felt great.  Selena then reached over and picked up a mirror and she reached back and held it over her bum and looked, she figured I had gone between her bum cheeks.  She called out my name and I heard it, it was a bit faint since her cheeks blocked out all outside noise.  I moved up and popped out and she saw me, I looked and saw her holding the mirror over her bum.  she then said,  "So I am guessing you like it between my jiggly bum cheeks, must be nice in there for you."   To which I shouted up and said, "Oh yes I love it in here its so nice and comfy in here."  I then slide down and she saw me disappear from view.  Then I heard her booming voice, "Ok then I'll lie here for a while more so have fun."  She then went back onto her laptop, and I continued to have fun there between her powerful bum cheeks.  I began to shout and scream for you as loud as I could but Selena's bum cheeks had muffled my shouts of joy, so all Selena heard was very faint high pitched shouts.


   Then I heard Selena's voice, she told me she was going to get up and do a few things.  I felt Selena get up, I was safe, her bum cheeks held me nice and snug.  She got up and started to walk out of the bedroom to the kitchen, as she was walking she had booty bounce.  As she walked her bum cheeks along with her thighs were jiggling and I was feeling it. Selena walked into the kitchen and she made herself a sandwich and as she was doing it I began to shout praise to her, I was shouting but my shouts were muffled by her bum cheeks.  As she was standing in the kitchen I was moving around there between her bum cheeks, it was so nice in there, I was completely hidden from view. I was deep between her bum cheeks.  Selena stood there in the kitchen as she ate her sandwich, when she finished she headed into the family room and I was getting the ride of my life. She did a few things and she then headed to a spare room where she had a tred mil.  She set the controls she turned her head and said loudly, "Since you like my jiggly bum I am going to give you a ride you'll never forget, I'm going to run for a bit." 


   I heard what she said,  it was very faint , I shouted, "RUN!! OH MY GOSH!!"  Selena stepped onto the tred mil and she turned it on, she began to run, she the increased her speed.  As Selena was running her bum cheeks and thighs were jiggling even more when she was walking and her boobs were jiggling too. As her bum cheeks jiggled I was feeling it and it felt good, I was getting the ride of my life.  As she was running I was shouting praise to her as loud as I could.  She ran for a good two minutes she then stopped and went back to her bedroom, she then layed back down on the bed onto her stomach.  She then said, "Ok, you can come out, I'm lieing down again."  I then came out from between her bum cheeks and went up onto the middle of her right bum cheek. 


   Selena then called me so I ran up her back onto her right shoulder and sat there while she did stuff on her laptop.  She said, "Hey, how about I make myself a giant and head to that small city of Wellington."  I shouted to her, "YES LETS DO IT."  Selena then stood up with me on her shoulder, she grabbed me and put me down and using the device I returned to normal size. 



    Chapter 2.  She heads out.



Selena said, "I'll go out and you push out the device, set it to 120 feet. Once the indicator shows my image with a blue halo round it let me know, I have to be still for 10 seconds and the device will do the rest."  Selena went outside and i followed her, she turned and faced me.  Selena had on her white sleeveless laced top and her skin tight yellow spandex.  She was a good 30 feet away and I activated the device.  A blue halo formed around her image and I showed a thumbs up. A blue laser shot out and the tube section opened and 10 seconds later 3 green electral charges shot out and hit the blue laser and a green energy ball formed. Then a green lightning bolt of energy shot out and it hit Selena in the chest and she began to grow bigger and bigger.  The whole thing took only 5 seconds for her to get to 120 feet. The device deactivated and it shut down. I took it back inside and came back out.   Selena squatted down and she reached out her right hand and she just grabbed me, her palm was a bit wider then my height and only my head was sticking out.




   Selena lifted me up to her face and she then stood up and i felt it as air rushed past my head. Selena took a couple of steps, it was a good thing she lived on a small acerage half a mile from a small town.  Her palms were nice and sift and even though her fingers were like tree trunk she held me gently there in her hand.  She brought me to her face and she looked at me, and I looked up into her huge gigantic face which to me was 18 feet high.  Selena smiled at me and said, "Well, ready to head out to Wellington."  Her voice was still the same except louder and a bit deeper it thundered.  I shouted, "Yes Selena I am all set."  Selena then said, "I'll put you on my left shoulder, you can ride there.  I will make sure you are safe."  She moved her right hand to her left shoulder and she put me there, when she let go I fell over.  I then stood up and faced her head and looked up at it.  Her neck and head to me was 22 feet in height.  I looked around, I then took a quick walk around a bit, there was enough room here for at least 3 more people.  I looked around and took the view in.  I was out in the country at a height of a 100 feet. I then went close to her neck and sat down.




   Selena then said, "Here we go."  She then took a step away from her house i I felt it and I held onto her hair.   Selena then headed away from her small acerage and she took a slight turn and headed out towards Wellington.  I moved forwards a bit and took in the view at the height i was at. Selena walked past the small town and as she did her massive weight of 773 tons just shook the ground around her. There were some children outside playing and when they saw her they began to run and shout as Selena walked past the small town.  




   As Selena Roberts was walking through the country side, farming communities felt it as she walked past the farms.  Dogs went barking and cattle in the fields went running to get out of her way.  Selena then noticed someone down below riding a dirt bike through the field, the person was speeding away from Selena.  Selena took a slight turn and headed after the speeding dirt bike.  She said to me, "I'm going to have a little fun hang on."  I looked down from her shoulder up ahead and could see the tiny person out up ahead speeding on their dirt bike.  Selena caught up to them fast, she reached down and just grabbed both the bike and the person. The person screamed and to Selena their scream sounded high pitched and some faint.  She said one work, "Quiet."  There was silence.   She then said, "You sure like to speed with your bike tiny man."  The frightened man nodded.  Selena continued, "Well tiny man, I can help you increase your speed."  Selena put the bike down with him and the man began to speed away. Selena then reached out her right hand and she flicked the bike in the back with her index finger and when she did she sent the bike flying. The man held on as the bike flew a good 30 feet through the air before touching ground.  Selena straightened up and she resumed her walk to Wellington.










-- Edited by Giantess-Servent on Monday 4th of June 2018 10:51:18 PM

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