Would help to know what this is specifically since 1.5 gig is a LOT. Is it just Giantess or is it MiniGTS or is it sm/sm? Is there any growth in there?
Maybe you could catalogue some of the stories in case people already own this stuff or have a couple of sample images just to give us some idea of what to expect.
Huh? After I type the text in the box all I get is "Please waite, Loading...." forever. Been happening all day and all yesterday.
If you scroll down close to the bottom of the page is there a timer ticking off starting at 45 sec. The box to click for downloading should be down there.
Was finally getting around to looking through some of these archives, when I saw something new to me. LOD, do you remember where you found this series? Or anything else by that artist for that matter? Litos Orthón... I've never heard of this guy, or seen any of his work before. Google revealed nothing!