WoW!! Great Blog!! Fantastic tallent you have there. I would really like to meet the model, does she give out her phone number, is she really 12 feet tall? She looks like she may be fudging a bit.
From what I understand, Alyssa's kind doesn't use cell phones. They are all mentally linked to each other via bioligically integrated subspace frequency transmitters - they can communicate in real time, even across stellar distances. Apparently they are light years ahead of humans, technologically speaking.
Thanks for the feedback, gentlemen. And Trinket, your work is what made me decide to just go for it on Poser and drop collaging. I used to put together Photoshop collages, but I don't have the patience for finding photos with compatible lighting and crafting and blending everything together like you do. Your compositions are excellent.
Anyway, things have been too crazy lately to carve out any time for this, but trust me, more will be posted soon.