Is it possible i ain't found any giantess or tall women place on secondlife? Considering the number of all of us, tall and gigantic women lovers, it sound strange, isn't it? What are we waiting for, we 3d avatar creators?
Second Life is a computer games of sorts. think World of Warcraft only without any missions or levels.
I suppose it depends how you class minigiantess I've made a female character that is 7' tall but there is room for a little more height. Have you tried using the search function to find some giantess areas?
How ever since Second life is soley dependant on User created content you could with the right skill make a Mini Giantess just by programing her...sme goes for any height giantess.
I have an account with second life too. I recommend you look and subscribe to some of the groups like "giantess" "tall" "amazon" etc... than may exist.
There isint any place i know of that caters to human giantesses or min-gts on second life exclusively yet that i've found, but i have met some really tall woman by looking and subscribing to some of the groups i joined. I've met a few who love to max the height of their avatars and roleplay or do height comparisons. I changed my avatar appearance to be really really short to accentuate the difference in heights. Its cool.
IM me to chat inworld sometime. My avatar is Gene Harbour.